These are the best would you rather questions for kids!

As an Auntie, I’m always on the lookout for entertaining ways to connect with my nephews.
One activity that never fails to create laughter, and increase our conversations, and connection are Would you rather questions. This game can be played anywhere, anytime, and all you need are some clever questions.
Would You Rather Question for Kids
In this post, I’ve put together some of my favorite would you rather questions for kids.
These questions range from simple, fun, and funny, to questions you’ll have to think a little bit harder about. But, all of the questions are light-hearted and designed to create a fun experience.
I’ve also included a couple free printables you can download at the bottom of this post with Would you rather questions.
That way you can print out the questions or use the free printable would you rather cards when you’re looking for a fun conversation starter or activity.
What Are Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather questions, are questions designed to spark fun and engaging conversations while exploring hypothetical scenarios.
The questions can range from funny and silly to thought-provoking making them popular among kids and adults of all ages.
So, if you’re looking for a creative way to get the conversation going whether it’s at school, around the dinner table, or a trip in the car, there are several would you rather game questions here to enjoy.
How To Play Would You Rather
If you’ve not heard of the game would you rather…no worries – it’s actually very simple to play.
To play the game would you rather, you need a series of would you rather questions.
You can get creative coming up with your own scenarios or you can use the fun would you rather questions and free printables in this post.
Choose a player to go first. That person will ask a would you rather question to another player.
The player that is asked the would you rather question then has to choose between the two scenarios that they are given.
Their answer to the question can’t be neither or both, they must pick one or the other.
Continue going back and forth taking turns asking would you rather questions for as long as you like.
How To Use Your Would You Rather Questions Printable Cards for Kids
At the bottom of this post, you can download your free printable Would you rather question cards as well as a one page print out containing all of these would you rather questions.

When you play the game, take turns pulling a card and answering the would you rather question on that card.
Here are a few ideas for times to use would you rather questions:
- Conversation starters (dinner, end of the day, anytime you want to get the conversation going)
- Rainy day activity
- On a road trip
- Game night
- School or classroom activity
- Anytime you need to wait for something (a long line, at the doctor’s office, for a show, etc)
100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids
Here are the 100 would you rather questions:
- Would you rather be a mermaid or a pirate?
- Would you rather read books or write stories?
- Would you rather read a story or watch TV before bed?
- Would you rather ride in an elevator or on an escalator?
- Would you rather fly over the mountains or over the ocean?
- Would you rather sing to your favorite song or dance?
- Would you rather meet the Easter Bunny or Santa?
- Would you rather eat cake or cookies?
- Would you rather do a puzzle or play outside?
- Would you rather use every crayon in the box or one color?
- Would you rather hear a story or watch a TV show?
- Would you rather have a talking dog or a talking cat?
- Would you rather sleep next to a porcupine or a frog?
- Would you rather swim in a pool of pudding or a pool of slushy?
- Would you rather go somewhere that is hot or cold?
- Would you rather sleep in but have to go to bed early or wake up early but go to bed late?
- Would you rather listen to music or do an art project?
- Would you rather do math or read?
- Would you rather paint a picture or build something?
- Would you rather sing or dance?
Would You Rather Questions About Sports
- Would you rather play soccer or basketball?
- Would you rather hit home runs or be super fast?
- Would you rather play sports or watch the game?
- Would you rather win the Super Bowl or the Stanley Cup?
- Would you rather play a game in the snow or in the rain?
- Would you rather be the most athletic or the most intelligent?
- Would you rather be the swim champion or the star of the soccer team?
- Would you rather do a sport outside or inside?
- Would you rather do an individual or team sport?
- Would you rather go to the zoo or the aquarium?
- Would you rather go to the park or a movie?
- Would you rather swing all day or climb?
- Would you rather learn to ski or learn to snowboard?
- Would you rather ride your bike or skateboard everywhere you go?
- Would you rather go skydiving or mountain climbing?
- Would you rather be super strong or super fast?
- Would you rather be able to control fire or control water?
- Would you rather have a magic carpet or a flying broomstick?
- Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?
- Would you rather bark every time you talk or fly every time you move?
- Would you rather have a pet unicorn or a pet dragon?
- Would you rather be able to see in the dark or be invisible?
- Would you rather be very lucky or very smart?
- Would you rather be a firefighter or a police officer?
- Would you rather learn something or teach something?
- Would you rather watch something funny or something scary?
- Would you rather get lots of presents on your birthday or get one present every day of the year?
- Would you rather fly on an airplane or cruise on a ship?
- Would you rather swim in the ocean or hike in the mountains?
- Would you rather have a bottomless pit of your favorite snack or a fountain that dispenses your favorite drink?
- Would you rather live under the sea or up in the sky?
- Would you rather have a robot who would do anything you want or a fairy godmother?
Silly Would You Rather Questions
- Would you rather be able to speak to animals and have them understand what you’re saying or be able to know what they are saying?
- Would you rather be able to read minds or see into the future?
- Would you rather have a tail like a monkey or wings like a bird?
- Would you rather sleep on a barrel of hay or on a bed made of lily pads?
- Would you rather have spaghetti for your hair or hot dogs for your fingers?
- Would you rather have to hop everywhere like a bunny or crawl everywhere like a crab?
- Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
- Would you rather have a pet unicorn that farts rainbows or a pet dragon that sneezes glitter?
- Would you rather have to skip everywhere you go or hop?
- Would you rather have to eat spaghetti with a spoon or soup with a fork?
- Would you rather eat your cereal with orange juice instead of milk or drink milk with your pizza instead of soda?
- Would you rather have a chicken that lays golden eggs or a pet monkey that can juggle?
- Would you rather ride on a camel or on an elephant?
- Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet alien?
- Would you rather be able to talk to creatures that fly or creatures that swim?
- Would you rather be able to make objects appear out of thin air or make yourself invisible?
- Would you rather be able to stop time or rewind time?
- Would you rather live in a world where everyone has superpowers or a world where everyone has a special talent?
- Would you rather live in a house made of candy or a house made of popcorn?
- Would you rather have to eat a spider or eat a grasshopper?
- Would you rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers?
- Would you rather have to sing everything you say or speak in a robot voice?
- Would you rather have to wear underwear on your head or socks on your hands?
Food Related Would You Rather Questions for Kids
- Would you rather eat fruits or vegetables?
- Would you rather have tacos or hamburgers?
- Would you rather eat chocolate or vanilla cake?
- Would you rather eat pizza for every meal or chicken fingers for every meal?
- Would you rather have something sweet or something sour?
- Would you rather eat a bag of chips or a bag of candy?
- Would you rather have frozen cheese or melted ice cream?
- Would you rather drink chocolate milk or apple juice?
- Would you rather have spaghetti that’s as long as a jump rope or french fries that are as tall as a skyscraper?
- Would you rather only be able to eat your favorite vegetable for a month or never eat dessert again?
- Would you rather eat only vegetables every day for a month or never be able to eat ice cream again?
- Would you rather have to eat a bowl of broccoli-flavored ice cream or ice cream-flavored broccoli?
- Would you rather have a lifetime supply of candy or a lifetime supply of ice cream?
- Would you rather only be able to eat foods that are the color blue or foods that are the color green?
- Would you rather have to put ketchup on everything you eat or mustard on everything you eat?
- Would you rather have a sandwich made of peanut butter and jelly or a sandwich made of chocolate and marshmallows?
- Would you rather have a pizza with only toppings you hate or a salad with only toppings you love?
- Would you rather have to eat spaghetti with your hands or soup with a fork?
- Would you rather have a birthday cake made of broccoli or a birthday cake made of meatloaf?
- Would you rather only be able to eat spicy foods for a week or bland foods for a month?
- Would you rather have to eat breakfast for dinner every night or dinner for breakfast every morning?
- Would you rather have a never-ending supply of your favorite fruit or your favorite snack?
- Would you rather have to eat everything with chopsticks or with a spoon?
- Would you rather have a magic refrigerator that always has your favorite food or a magic pantry that always has your favorite snack?
- Would you rather have to eat a spoonful of hot sauce every day or a spoonful of vinegar every day?
- Would you rather have something sweet or something sour?
- Would you rather eat a bag of chips or a bag of candy?
- Would you rather have frozen cheese or melted ice cream?
- Would you rather drink chocolate milk or apple juice?
50 Free Printable Would You Rather Questions for Kids (Printable PDF Cards)
After downloading and printing your cards, cut them out to use them for the would you rather game!

100 Funny Would You Rather Questions Kid Friendly Free Printable
The download also includes a free printable with all 100 of these would you rather questions on one page.

NOTE: All designs, downloads, and printables on The Clever Heart are for personal use only. They cannot be redistributed or sold.
Simply enter your info below to receive your free printable “Would You Rather Questions” (Printable Cards) and the list of 100 Would You Rather Questions for Kids.
Final Thoughts On Would You Rather Questions for Kids
Would you rather questions make a fun game for kids of all ages.
Asking these types of questions is one of my favorite ways to get the conversation going and connect with my nephews.
We always end up laughing and they get creative with their answers and the questions they ask.
I hope that you’ve found several fun would you rather questions here.
Are there any would you rather questions for kids you think I should add to the list?
Let me know!
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